Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Reading matter

Hi Everyone, it has been almost two months since I last posted as I have survived another stint of night duty and am to start another next week. Time flies and I don't have anything exciting to report.

I have decided to recommend a book series that Rob loaned me to read. It is the Tomorrow Series by John Marsden. I was not expecting what I got as Rob usually lends me sci fi boooks. I can recommend it as a story that manages to take a look at the way a group of teenagers survive when a foreign power invades Australia. It is written from the perspective of a 16 year old girl and chronicles the struggles to survive, fight back and overcome the terrible emotional and mental cost of war. I think it will strike a chord with anyone that has lived throuogh a war and most teenagers. Be warned the book is quite matter of fact when dealing with teenage sexuality and experience. Mature teens of 15 or so would cope well with it, but it is not apporpriate for any sheltered kids or immature ones.

Overall it is a good read for most adults.

Thaks Rob for the lend.