Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Busy, busy, busy

Sorry for the long pause between posts. Life is busy, but not very interesting for me at present. My job is full of challenges and interesting people, but I can't talk about that much and my private life consists of sleep and housework with the occassional tv show thrown in.
We are planning a camping trip for Easter, so hopefully there will be something to report after that. It is great to read what all of you are doing so keep up the posting.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Long Weekend

Well folks, a long weekend has been and almost gone and I have done nothing really. Yes, I have done some housework and spent some time with my husband and son, but, I have acheived nothing more than being less tired and not living in such a mess.
I hope that others think that this is a good use of my time and energy, as I am beginning to. I have also checked the blogs of my family members and they haven't posted recently so maybe I am the only one that has time to waste this way. Perhaps that means that I should get off here and do something constructive with the remaining 5 1/2 hours of the long weekend. Enjoy yours.

Saturday, March 7, 2009


Well now that I have a full time job, working 8-4.30 daily, I find that I have to use my Saturdays for the awful task of housework. What a waste of a great day off.