For all those that haven't read Rob's log or Emma's adventures, we have just had a week away at Port Macquaire. It was lovely.
We left Saturday the 24th of July and flew via Melbourne where we collected Em from Dienece and Scott and drove from Sydney the rest of the way. It was a very nice trip and we found ourselves in a really tropical island style timeshare resort. What a great place to unwind, sleep in, swim in the indoor pool, feed the fish in the saltwater lagoon and use as a base to explore Port Macquarie.
Sunday saw us sleep through morning church but make it to Wauchope PCEA for the afternoon service. We got there early and thought we had mnissed out as the sign made no mention of an afternoon service. We did a lap of the town and returnde in time to see the congregation turn up so we joined them. Wow the singing was amazing for a small congregation and we thoroughly enjoyed the whole service. John Cromarty was preaching and we had met him before so it felt quite familiar.
As some of you know, my family accuse me of striking up conversation with anyone at the drop of a hat, but I have nothing on the friendly Hamiltons. We were whisked off to have tea with Glen and Sonya Hamilton and their five children before we had even realised what was happening. It was very nice of them and we enjoyed ourselves (even the reluctant ones of us).
The rest of the week was a whirl of site seeing, whale watching, game playing and simply relaxing. So nice to spend time together as a family and so good to get Steve to take time off.
Sadly we had to come hoome to Tassie and the frost. But it is nice to have everyting where you expect it to be and to settle back in.
I have this week to get the house into shape before it is back to the grind of work 5 days a week. It is a good thing that I like my job.
Em is back here with us as she starts her job with the devil breeding program on the 16th and it is based in Launceston. It is nice to have her here.
Quite literally before we had realized what was happening. Apparently, the best way to make sure that people dont turn down your invitations is to not actually invite them, but just tell them that they are coming without giving them a choice.