Here are a few pics from Christmas with family at Anson's Bay.
Friday, December 25, 2009
Monday, December 14, 2009
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Truth is apart from lots of work, not mush has happened in my life.
I managed to get to our church camp at Liffey a couple of weekends ago. For more info and pictures, see the Pastor's blog at
I am rapidly approaching the end of my graduate transition year and am now looking for work to keep the finances ticking over into the next year. I would appreciate prayers in this regard.
Well when there is news I will post again.
Monday, November 2, 2009
Noosa part 2
The first beaches we came to and we had to check them out.
Some shots of the resort we stayed at. Culgoa Point.
A couple of views from the balcony of our apartment. Nice Huh?
Nathan and Julie’s pool, we got to spend some time with them and we are all looking forward to Christmas 2010 when we all get there. The pool is big enough and so is the yard.
This just a taste of our magical weekend. I am hoping it won't be too long before we get away for a break again, although, I don't think that we will venture so far next time.
You have to admit it was a nice tropical get away.
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Whatch this space
As I only get one weekend a month off and I usually have four days, we decided it would be nice to do something out of the ordinary. Well we did. We flew up to Maroochydore and then hired a car to go to Noosa where we had a lovely beachside apartment complete with a pool to laze around. We also managed to catch up with Nathan and Julie while there.
I am working today and have just caught up on the house work so I will add the pics next time.
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Work is going well at the moment. I have begun to settle in now. Over the past week, I have had the chance to be the RN in charge twice. I have realised that I am only just able to manage that. I felt like I had run around and achieved little yesterday. My performance was praised, though, so I can't have done too badly for a new grad.
I have decided what kind of RN I want to be, just have to make it happen now. I want to be calm and in control but flexible at the same time. Haven't manged either yet. When I am in control, I am not flexible at present.
Days off now, so I can organize something a little less demanding today.
Thursday, August 13, 2009
days off
Yesterday it was wonderful to manage a day without deadlines. I had lots to do but the day was mine and I did it at my pace. I haven't felt like that for ages.
Ah well today I have deadlines, I start work this afternoon and I have biblestudy this morning. Can't hang around here any longer.
Catch you all soon
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Holiday and New Job
My husband had a hernia repair almost three weeks ago now and he is still on the slow road to recovery. He will probably return to work next week but at present is making the most of living with a nurse.
We went off to Melbourne so he could have the surgery and I was supposed to be on holiday. Not really as he needed and expected 24 hour care. My first unbroken night was at the 10 day mark as he had needed some pain relief once or twice during the night. After 5 nights in East St Kilda we drove down to Phillip Island to use a time share there. It was a nice place, if a little old. In a great location and I didn't need to use the car much. I managed to escape for walks and some shopping (necessities mostly). Steve holed up inside and only managed to venture out a little on the final couple of days. We were visited by Ben and Bec and the kids and also Steve's mum and dad which was nice.
My second rotation began on Tuesday and I am slowly finding my feet in a new environment. Thankfully i get two weeks of orientation to help me work out what goes on when and my place in the team. I think that it will go well and fly past as the previous rotation did.
I will try to keep you all posted.
Monday, June 22, 2009
Update on nothing much
Work is going well and taking up too much of my week. I finish as a community nurse in 4 weeks. I will be very sad to leave as I really like it and I feel like this where I belong. Ah well in six months I can apply to return and I will have even more experience to offer.
I get two weeks holiday before starting at Beaconsfield District Hospital on the 2nd of August. I am sure that I will enjoy it and I am only doing 0.8 which means eight days a fortnight instead of 76 hours which is 9 and ½ days. The extra day and an ½ off will be good for the garden.
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Okay it is time I posted again. Hopefully if I write this in word and let it spell check for me and manage some paragraph divisions it will be more acceptable to all.
I seem to spend a great deal of my life in a car one way or another. I drive to work and back every day which takes about 40 minutes each way if I don’t have any errands to run on the way. When I get to work I get into another car, courtesy of the government and travel around visiting clients in their homes. I average around 30 kms in the work car daily.
Most of you know that I have finally bought a car that I like. My little sporty fiesta XR4 is great. I actually enjoy the drive into and out of town. I find it fun to watch the people that are staring at my racy little car. Steve thinks it could sound better; it is a little too quiet for his taste, but it still turns heads. I can hide inside and not be noticed as I have quite tinted windows.
Well up until this week I was driving a very ordinary Holden Viva station wagon while at work which smelled of pickled onions for some unknown reason. This car was rejected by one of the other nursing rounds as it was not very nice to drive at all. My manager sent an email to tell me it was to be replaced this week, and when the new car arrived, I got to move all the stuff over into it and farewell the Viva. I took possession of the new “grad” car on Tuesday, a Hyundai i30. Although Korean cars aren’t highly thought of this one is much nicer to drive than the Holden. The only drawback is the overwhelming new car smell. Ah well you can’t have everything.
Friday, May 8, 2009
Work Work and more work
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Easter camping
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Busy, busy, busy
We are planning a camping trip for Easter, so hopefully there will be something to report after that. It is great to read what all of you are doing so keep up the posting.
Monday, March 9, 2009
Long Weekend
I hope that others think that this is a good use of my time and energy, as I am beginning to. I have also checked the blogs of my family members and they haven't posted recently so maybe I am the only one that has time to waste this way. Perhaps that means that I should get off here and do something constructive with the remaining 5 1/2 hours of the long weekend. Enjoy yours.
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
birthday surprises
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
I had a birthday bonus today, I have a half day holiday.
This week I have been, in the words of the manager, a proper community nurse and I love it. I have a small round at present so that there is room to fit in learning new stuff and visiting interesting clients with the primary nurse. I am sure that I would love to do this forever, it is rewarding and interesting and you are not stuck indoors all day. One draw back is the car I am alotted, a Holden Viva station wagon which smells like pickled onion. I have just put an airfreshener in it and if that doesn't work, I will scrub the floors and seats. I am struggling to remember which side the indicators are on the work car and then get confused when I get back in my car and have been indicating with the wipers quite a lot. Still it is all good.
Hope that you are all having a great day and a good week.
Thursday, February 19, 2009
I now have clients of my own so I will be out and about next week, Yay!
Matthew and Liz and co arrived safely on Wednesday night at 2205 and we have been enjoying their company bery much. Matthew is feeling the cooler weather, he wears a coat until around 10 am. It has been very autumn like lately, cool morning and evening and around 25 in the middle of the day. I drove through heavy rain to get home tonight so I am waiting for it to reach here with great anticipation as it is almost as dry here as it was in Victoria.
Well, I hope that you all had a good week and are going to have an even better weekend.
Sunday, February 15, 2009
this week's thoughts
Another event to which I am looking forward, is Matt and Liz and co arriving on Wednesday night. I have missed them, well Liz anyway and will be glad to see them again.
I am very poor at proof reading stuff so if this blog of mine makes little sense, I appologize, I know what I meant and you can guess.
Thursday, February 12, 2009
just beginning
I hope that this will provide a way to keep in touch and let anyone who really wants to know what I am up to at present.